We didn’t get here on our own. We had lots of help along the way from great people. They took some of their precious time to mentor us and in some cases also invested to help us reach our goals, and we will forever be in their debt for sharing their kindness, wisdom and resources.
We feel the need to give back to young entrepreneurs, and have been doing so for some time now. We are proud of the success that those businesses now enjoy, and we will always be there for them whenever they call “home” for help.
If you are a young entrepreneur looking for guidance, a helping hand or a potential investment in time or capital, please reach out to us. Best case scenario, you’ll end up with a whole team behind your project… worst case? You’ll get some free, objective advice.

Want to learn more about our Mentoring ?
Contact us using the Contact Us button at the home screen or one of our social media accounts.